Pete Glogiewicz: 'Ted' 26th February 2012 #85
Pete Glogiewicz: Texel Ewe
Pete Glogiewicz: Texel Ewe
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Oil Me'
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Mahooosive' 27th February 2012 #86
Pete Glogiewicz: 'The good old days' 28th February 2012 #87
Pete Glogiewicz: 'The Boy' 29th February 2012 #88
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Just A Rock' 1st March 2012 #89
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Inquisition' 2nd March 2012 #90
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Knowledge' 3rd March 2012 #91
Pete Glogiewicz: '18.5 gigabytes' 4th March 2012 #92
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Prism' 5th March 2012 #93
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Ooops !' 6th March 2012 #94
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Working Hard' 7th March 2012 #95
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Missing presumed...Rinsed' 8th March 2012 #96
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Nailed It' 9th March 2012 #97
Pete Glogiewicz: 'One man's C#@p......' 11th March 2012 #99
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Simplicity' 13th March 2012 #101
Pete Glogiewicz: 'CAT 320D' 14th March 2012 #102
Pete Glogiewicz: 'My name's Chris and I'm.......'15th March 2012#103
Pete Glogiewicz: 'D E F G' 16th March 2012 #104
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Viper' 17th March 2012 #105
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Still Ticking' 18th March 2012 #106
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Into the crush'
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Immobile'
Pete Glogiewicz: 'I see you'
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Going for a walk'
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Say cheese'
Pete Glogiewicz: 'Having a sniff'