petechar: Helicoprion Reconstruction
petechar: Captive Gray Reef Shark
petechar: Fiji devil (Chrysiptera taupou)
petechar: Caecilian
petechar: Arboreal Salamander
petechar: Juvenile Western Toad
petechar: American Bullfrog
petechar: Green Anole lizard
petechar: Illuminated Python Skeleton
petechar: Prairie Rattlesnake - Montana
petechar: Olive Ridley Sea Turtle
petechar: Nile Crocodile and Reflection - South Africa
petechar: White-backed Vulture - South Africa
petechar: Bald Eagle in Winter
petechar: Flying Trumpeter Swans
petechar: Barrow's Goldeneye Ducks
petechar: Mallard
petechar: Burchell's Coucal - South Africa
petechar: Franklin's Gulls - Idaho
petechar: Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill - South Africa
petechar: Martial Eagle - South Africa
petechar: African Goshawk - South Africa
petechar: Osprey with fish
petechar: African Fish Eagle - South Africa
petechar: Helmeted Guineafowl - South Africa
petechar: The Raven
petechar: Mountain Blue Bird 1
petechar: Starling - South Africa
petechar: Pearl-spotted Owlet - South Africa
petechar: Bighorn Ram