Pete Barnes Photography:
1. Test shot to make sure I have no (or little) ambiant light.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
2. First Flash put in place, overhead softbox for diffused light.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
3. Change of angle to get a lower shooting position.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
4. Scrap the cluttered background.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
5. Brought in a 2nd flash for some hard backlighting, which for some reason is in shot-!-.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
6. Backlight moved but I didn't like the shadows big dan cast on little dan.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
7. Decided to fix an grid on 2nd light and aimed it at the back wall.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
8. Moved 2nd light to perhaps cast a dramatic shadow of the couple.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
9. Repositioned the shot to make sure the shadow was captured.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
10. Added a pale blue gel to 2nd light to get some colour into the scene.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
11. Brought down exposure compensation on 2nd light by 1 stop as it was too bright.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
12. Moved first light as it was getting in the shot.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
13. Scrapped the shadow idea but kept the gel, went back to lighting the back wall for a spotlight effect.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
14. Repositioned little Dan's head so it was actually looking at big Dan.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
15. The setup.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
Finished shot edited in a retro style.jpg
Pete Barnes Photography:
Sackboy Blowing Bubbles