Pete&NoeWoods: bluffs at Six-Mile Creek_2
Pete&NoeWoods: bluffs at Six-Mile Creek_1
Pete&NoeWoods: Canada buffaloberry, Shepherdia canadensis
Pete&NoeWoods: scarps at the Devil's Backbone
Pete&NoeWoods: scarps near the Devil's Backbone
Pete&NoeWoods: some small slump seeps just north of the big bluffs on Wintergreen Gorge
Pete&NoeWoods: a scarp woodland
Pete&NoeWoods: a scarp woodland
Pete&NoeWoods: Wintergreen Gorge, on Four-Mile Creek
Pete&NoeWoods: buffalo-berry habitat
Pete&NoeWoods: a lake-facing bluff
Pete&NoeWoods: scarp seep with three rare plants
Pete&NoeWoods: top edge of the bluffs at Wintergreen Gorge
Pete&NoeWoods: bluffs at Lake Erie Community Park
Pete&NoeWoods: the blue clay on the bluffs
Pete&NoeWoods: the lakeside bluffs on the Coxon/Collusi tract.
Pete&NoeWoods: the lakeside bluffs on the Coxon/Collusi tract.
Pete&NoeWoods: Bluffs on Lake Erie
Pete&NoeWoods: SGL 314 bluffs
Pete&NoeWoods: bank swallow nesting colony
Pete&NoeWoods: slumps at the Devil's Backbone
Pete&NoeWoods: Lake Erie bluffs
Pete&NoeWoods: Lake Erie bluffs
Pete&NoeWoods: The Devil's Backbone
Pete&NoeWoods: the Devil's Backbone
Pete&NoeWoods: The same patch of Canada buffaloberry, seen from below
Pete&NoeWoods: hiker impacts at Wintergreen Gorge