East of 29: IMG_0327
East of 29: Fluid Dive and Bullet Holes
East of 29: 20110409-IMG_1139
East of 29: Jar of light
East of 29: Graveyard in Nunn, Colorado
East of 29: Road leading out of Indian Cove
East of 29: East on 62
East of 29: Seal Beach
East of 29: Unmarked, spooky road in Pt. Reyes
East of 29: LAX Landmark
East of 29: Sunshine on my shoulder
East of 29: Tomales Bay
East of 29: Walking path to Pt. Reyes lighthouse
East of 29: Chinatown Gate, San Francisco
East of 29: Surfing Alcatraz
East of 29: Cactus Flowers
East of 29: Toilet Seat Cabin (looking NE)
East of 29: Angry Man Cabin
East of 29: Tattered Flag & Broken Sign
East of 29: Red Eyes
East of 29: Desert Landscape
East of 29: iPhone Shooter
East of 29: Self Portrait
East of 29: Rail Track
East of 29: Brownie Reflex
East of 29: My Granddaughter... at 10 months
East of 29: 110 in the shade
East of 29: Dark Stranger