Pete the painter: En garde!
Pete the painter: The crab cakes
Pete the painter: Gambas sous-vide with juniper, chives and lime
Pete the painter: Liquid nitrogen experiments
Pete the painter: Experimenting with liquid nitrogen ice cream
Pete the painter: Preparing for reverse spherification
Pete the painter: Wash in water
Pete the painter: Alginate bath
Pete the painter: Sleeping beauty
Pete the painter: Nitro experiments
Pete the painter: Nitro lime peel
Pete the painter: Gimlet ringlets
Pete the painter: Caramelising plums
Pete the painter: The 10-course menu
Pete the painter: Flowers
Pete the painter: Les Chefs!
Pete the painter: Mozzarella burgers
Pete the painter: Gruyere choux balls
Pete the painter: Anyone for Cristal?
Pete the painter: The opening ceremony
Pete the painter: Pea, tomato and parsnip sho tamas
Pete the painter: Gambas Gimlet
Pete the painter: One happy diner
Pete the painter: Baked goats cheese with caramelised plums
Pete the painter: Blowtorching the water bath cooked fois gras
Pete the painter: Blowtourched fois gras with caramelised plum
Pete the painter: d'Yquem, perfect companion for the fois gras