Feast of Music (2008-2023): Glenn Branca Ensemble performing his music.
Feast of Music (2008-2023): Gong Linna, vocals
Feast of Music (2008-2023): Bobby Previte (with Whiplash) on “Terminal 4”
Feast of Music (2008-2023): Cyro Baptista and Friends
Feast of Music (2008-2023): So Percussion with Nels Cline performing music by Bobby Previte
Feast of Music (2008-2023): hird Angle New Music performing “Quartz” by Julian Day
Feast of Music (2008-2023): Tomoko Mukaiyama performing “Incarnations” by Somei Satoh
Feast of Music (2008-2023): Bang on a Can All-Stars Music by Julia Wolfe, Johann Johannsson, Anna Clyne, and Todd Reynolds
Feast of Music (2008-2023): Asphalt Orchestra
Feast of Music (2008-2023): Grand Band (Vicky Chow, David Friend, Paul Kerekes, Blair McMillen, Lisa Moore, Isabelle O'Connell)
Feast of Music (2008-2023): Florent Ghys, playing music from his album “Television”
Feast of Music (2008-2023): Dither performing “Tongue of Thorns” by Lainie Ferrerman. Taylor Levine, Joshua Lopes, Grey McMurray, and James Moore
Feast of Music (2008-2023): Vicky Chow performing Tristan Perich’s “Surface Image”
Feast of Music (2008-2023): Crossfire Steel Orchestra