petachow: Boat trip on Iddefjorden
petachow: Pier
petachow: Ducks
petachow: Coming into Halden
petachow: Fort at Halden
petachow: Boatyard with fort beyond
petachow: Posh houses along the waterside
petachow: First bridge
petachow: Two bridges
petachow: Nasturtium
petachow: Frode's parents' summer cabin in Sweden
petachow: Vine against the cabin
petachow: Frode lets me take his picture
petachow: The start of our hike in Aurlandsdalen
petachow: Traditional farm along the way
petachow: A proper fairytale toadstool
petachow: Perfect hiking weather
petachow: Lush green valley
petachow: Mountain flower
petachow: Dark water
petachow: On a narrow bit of the hike
petachow: Rapids
petachow: Sun occasionally peeks through
petachow: Frode and waterfall (back a bit, a bit more...)
petachow: Man and nature... toiling to make a cuppa
petachow: Our lunch stop
petachow: View over the farmhouse rooftops
petachow: Famous old farm encountered on our hike
petachow: Frode in contemplation of the old farm
petachow: Farm building