typej: Entering a ceremony
typej: Enter the graduates
typej: Trying to get seated
typej: Mass of educated
typej: The stage
typej: That's me!
typej: Find Jin!
typej: President Hitt
typej: Mom fixing my robe
typej: With mom
typej: Me with Mama Jin!
typej: With my sis
typej: No deploma here
typej: No deploma here
typej: Photo session
typej: Got flowers too
typej: Flowers are heavy
typej: Walking back to a car
typej: Who, me?
typej: Criminal?
typej: In a waiting room
typej: In a waiting room...
typej: Waiting room
typej: Ghost?
typej: Still in waiting room
typej: Shot of a ceremony
typej: Shot of ceremony
typej: Shot of a ceremony
typej: Alien light?
typej: Shot of ceremony