peruanaanaperu: He said She said She said He said She said He said He said She said
peruanaanaperu: Ut ex bestia abdomen videor insolitus os (when from the beast’s belly appeared a strange sight)
peruanaanaperu: Large: Like once when I suddenly broke out into hives and then the hives turned into colored spaghetti strings that started growing from my face... and you turned into white mold spores that were everywhere, and then inside my face grew a moving image.
peruanaanaperu: The incredible psychotic episode of two babies smoking mad bubbles
peruanaanaperu: Like the spontaneous combustion of synchronized sporters, and like growth, like growing things
peruanaanaperu: When spring time sprouts from your scalp and my bread crumbs form pecking crowds of games on the brain….and between us we pass a pipe.
peruanaanaperu: We're always fighting...
peruanaanaperu: Hallucinations of this or that (a manifestation of the urban kino project, vol. 1)
peruanaanaperu: Rage in the form of orange peels, like moldy spots on peach tones, like ink blots on papel...
peruanaanaperu: The passing of CMYK scales from one stomach to another
peruanaanaperu: Likenesses of a Peru and an Ana, or an Ana and a Peru or what you will….
peruanaanaperu: Peru Ana Ana Peru
peruanaanaperu: Balloon Babies