personaldemocracy: Andrew Rasiej | Welcome
personaldemocracy: Andrew Rasiej | Welcome
personaldemocracy: Sherry Turkle | The Pretense of Empathic Machines
personaldemocracy: Sherry Turkle | The Pretense of Empathic Machines
personaldemocracy: Sherry Turkle | The Pretense of Empathic Machines
personaldemocracy: Sherry Turkle | The Pretense of Empathic Machines
personaldemocracy: Andrew Rasiej | Welcome
personaldemocracy: Yvette J Alberdingk Thijm | The Promise and Perils of Being a Civic Eyewitness
personaldemocracy: Yvette J Alberdingk Thijm | The Promise and Perils of Being a Civic Eyewitness
personaldemocracy: Yvette J Alberdingk Thijm | The Promise and Perils of Being a Civic Eyewitness
personaldemocracy: Yvette J Alberdingk Thijm | The Promise and Perils of Being a Civic Eyewitness
personaldemocracy: Yvette J Alberdingk Thijm | The Promise and Perils of Being a Civic Eyewitness
personaldemocracy: Yvette J Alberdingk Thijm | The Promise and Perils of Being a Civic Eyewitness
personaldemocracy: Yvette J Alberdingk Thijm | The Promise and Perils of Being a Civic Eyewitness
personaldemocracy: Yvette J Alberdingk Thijm | The Promise and Perils of Being a Civic Eyewitness
personaldemocracy: Andrew Rasiej | Welcome
personaldemocracy: Mark Surman | Preserving the Free and Open Internet
personaldemocracy: Mark Surman | Preserving the Free and Open Internet
personaldemocracy: Mark Surman | Preserving the Free and Open Internet
personaldemocracy: Mark Surman | Preserving the Free and Open Internet
personaldemocracy: Mark Surman | Preserving the Free and Open Internet
personaldemocracy: Micah Sifry | Welcome
personaldemocracy: Hossein Derakhshan | The Web We Lost; the Web We Want
personaldemocracy: Nick Grossman | Regulating With Data
personaldemocracy: Nick Grossman | Regulating With Data
personaldemocracy: Nick Grossman | Regulating With Data
personaldemocracy: Nick Grossman | Regulating With Data
personaldemocracy: Nick Grossman | Regulating With Data
personaldemocracy: danah boyd | Be Careful What You Code For
personaldemocracy: danah boyd | Be Careful What You Code For