**amber_**: Howth
**amber_**: crack out the coco(nut) oil....
**amber_**: a moody sky over Glendalough
**amber_**: Newgrange
**amber_**: crash into me
**amber_**: Little Red Boat
**amber_**: Los Angeles at dusk
**amber_**: the road
**amber_**: the sun's last kiss
**amber_**: malibu beach
**amber_**: chasing the last sun
**amber_**: sun sets, moon rises
**amber_**: under the bridge
**amber_**: Airtram line
**amber_**: over yonder mountain tops... i sometimes want to ride on clouds
**amber_**: Fishing off the rocks
**amber_**: auburn village cemetery
**amber_**: the marsh and the storm
**amber_**: Under the Boardwalk
**amber_**: gone to seed
**amber_**: frozen lake
**amber_**: maybe blue, maybe green
**amber_**: sell your clothes and keep your thoughts
**amber_**: meadow
**amber_**: red barn
**amber_**: the inevitable surrender of day to night
**amber_**: walking through the woods
**amber_**: Summer Solstice Sunrise Stone
**amber_**: the lake at dusk