**amber_**: looking for a sign
**amber_**: texaco, texaco... over the hills to mexico
**amber_**: once again... no parking
**amber_**: Handicap parking only
**amber_**: le sandwich
**amber_**: Deere, John
**amber_**: Any which way but here
**amber_**: Rue Sainte Catherine
**amber_**: Day 8: It's my street... they just misspelled it.
**amber_**: Just say No...
**amber_**: This is our stop!
**amber_**: mirror at MoMA
**amber_**: Welcome to Hollywood!
**amber_**: you can't park here
**amber_**: retro rust
**amber_**: seriously.... kerplop and gurrgle....
**amber_**: kerplooooooooop! Again!
**amber_**: kerplooooooooop!
**amber_**: and time... time... ... .
**amber_**: to the church ye sinner
**amber_**: kodak theater
**amber_**: 'ello?
**amber_**: old buick
**amber_**: the bank