jesse k.: On the couch with G-ma
jesse k.: On the couch with G-ma
jesse k.: Two weeks old
jesse k.: Pajamas with tiny faces and ears!
jesse k.: The late late show
jesse k.: Penelope Jane
jesse k.: Always sleepy
jesse k.: First bath at home!
jesse k.: After the first bath
jesse k.: How we sleep
jesse k.: three
jesse k.: Asleep as usual
jesse k.: Cloth diapered
jesse k.: A coat with ears!
jesse k.: Napping on the couch
jesse k.: Raise your tiny fists
jesse k.: Napping in the cradle
jesse k.: Adventures in clothing!
jesse k.: Tiny feet
jesse k.: Kirk and Penelope
jesse k.: Penelope
jesse k.: Papa time
jesse k.: Me, Cozmo and Penelope
jesse k.: Snuggled
jesse k.: Cozmo meets Penelope for the first time
jesse k.: Cousins meeting for the first time
jesse k.: Penelope sleeps
jesse k.: The littlest moon
jesse k.: Bellybutton!