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Gardening by jesse k.
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jesse k.
Sunday gardening
jesse k.
Two kinds of basil
jesse k.
Parsley pot
jesse k.
Opalka Tomato seed packet
jesse k.
Amish Paste Tomato seed packet
jesse k.
Green Zebra Tomato seed packet
jesse k.
Australian Brown Onions
jesse k.
Listada de Gandia Eggplant
jesse k.
jesse k.
Green Arrow Peas
jesse k.
Dwarf Gray Sugar peas
jesse k.
Mixed lettuce
jesse k.
Giant Italian Parsley
jesse k.
Sweet Genovese Basil
jesse k.
Mrs. Burn's Lemon Basil
jesse k.
Seed flat
jesse k.
Baby basil sprouts!
jesse k.
Tomato sproutlings!
jesse k.
Cumin sproutlings!
jesse k.
Cumin at 7:45am
jesse k.
Cumin at 5:00pm
jesse k.
Cumin in the morning, cumin in the evening
jesse k.
The lonely lettuce leaf
jesse k.
Sprout growth -- onions and tomatoes
jesse k.
Tomatoes, cumin and eggplant sprouts
jesse k.
Another view -- a week of sprouting growth
jesse k.
The littlest basil sprouts ever
jesse k.
Pathetic little white asparagus arms
jesse k.
Tiny little pea sprouts
jesse k.
The seedling forest
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