jesse k.: Close-up of pocket detail
jesse k.: The finished product!
jesse k.: Ironing the pocket, almost done
jesse k.: Ironing the double-quarter-inch seams on the apron ties
jesse k.: Loop ties -- the first part I sewed and by far the least consistent
jesse k.: Pinned ties, before I figured out I could stab pins directly into the ironing board
jesse k.: With a little help from the internet, I finally got my sister's machine working!
jesse k.: Cutting out the pattern
jesse k.: Craft project ahoy!
jesse k.: Sewed: tiny tablecloth for the bathroom dresser
jesse k.: Curtains for the kitchen door
jesse k.: Oh cave of many wonders
jesse k.: Curtains in progress
jesse k.: Curtains!
jesse k.: New patterns
jesse k.: New patterns
jesse k.: Fabrics today
jesse k.: New sewing machine!
jesse k.: I made a skirt!
jesse k.: One half of a billow
jesse k.: Line drying new fabric
jesse k.: New skirt #3
jesse k.: Fabrics for a secret project
jesse k.: Patches cut!
jesse k.: Testing quilt scraps
jesse k.: At home
jesse k.: Doll forms in progress
jesse k.: Faces and hearts completed
jesse k.: Two holiday dolls
jesse k.: Heidi's poppet