perrygrl: BE having Sweet 16 fantasies
perrygrl: Sad Hour Observance, 1980
perrygrl: Hattie Belle - 2
perrygrl: leopard skin pillbox hat
perrygrl: Sacrifice
perrygrl: self portrait as the woman dressed in black
perrygrl: the spirit is moving
perrygrl: BE in Tallahassee 1980
perrygrl: Babs & Lena back in the day
perrygrl: Young PG & Hoppy
perrygrl: Americana Custom Dispenser
perrygrl: bae-pop
perrygrl: why I stopped painting
perrygrl: self portrait 1977 after 10 year HS reunion
perrygrl: self portrait on the occasion of my first publication in a real book
perrygrl: vintage self portrait - white & wild
perrygrl: vintage self portrait as lady of leisure
perrygrl: vintage self portrait, Terri dragging Sammy out of the way
perrygrl: vintage self portrait with upside down painting
perrygrl: Babs&Lucy
perrygrl: a couple of Perry Girls, Empire State Building, 1980
perrygrl: not the only one
perrygrl: stuck in my office, snowed under with grading
perrygrl: evidence, Babs & Christie