po0ja: inkwell, at 4 am.
po0ja: an ephemeral bridge, you could say.
po0ja: eggs sheltered in shade
po0ja: leaf climber
po0ja: the side of the city the rain brought out
po0ja: leaving leaves
po0ja: textured tales
po0ja: an unfurling
po0ja: inadvertent selfie
po0ja: ground level= water level (/sitting down)
po0ja: a Tuscan moonrise
po0ja: before you move it (/she sees)
po0ja: crossing lines (/an accidental tap)
po0ja: meeting sun
po0ja: float the line
po0ja: later that evening, a cuppa tea would say, 'life is a beautiful ride' and a bicycle would lead the phrase
po0ja: book leads lens
po0ja: Autumn brought in (/light breeze)
po0ja: partir
po0ja: restful, after flight
po0ja: lotus, in bloom
po0ja: one way to look at a balcony scene
po0ja: misty mornings
po0ja: a marathon protest?
po0ja: today's graph (decisions decisions)
po0ja: parsling
po0ja: waiting, outside in
po0ja: rangoli sleep
po0ja: bubbling rain
po0ja: chin up