splintbasket: Kop i rum. #perolofdk Twist in Danish cause 'cup in the room' (kop i rum) just the same as 'copy room' (kopirum) #perolofdkenglish #cartoon
splintbasket: ..from my youth: writing a date wrong inspired me.... #perolofdk #perolofdkenglish #cartoon
splintbasket: Horse story: 1.good friends. 2. Let's see what he want. 3. Not friends anymore:get away, it's me he wants a talk with. 4. Should this angel be okay? #horsestory #perolofdkenglish #hvidesten #lillerød #allerød #blackhorse #sorthest #lillerødkirke #dagbog_p
splintbasket: Well take that photo and I shall leave you again..#hvidesten #lillerød #perolofdkenglish #dagbog_perolofdk
splintbasket: For at illustrere, at Søren Kierkegaard havde mange facetter. Skulptur i Det Kongelige Biblioteks have af Louis Hasselriis (1844 - 1912). To illustrate the many facets of the work of the Danish philosopher Soeren Kierkegaard. #sorenkierkegaard #soerenkier
splintbasket: Who is he / The old man in the mirror / He looks like / One in the family #perolofdk #perolofdkenglish #digt #dikt# #perolofdkdigt #selfie
splintbasket: They are looking through your keyhole #god #here #goviral #perolofdk #perolofdkenglish
splintbasket: #perolofdk #statement ..not because they are many but because the are right in loving and in loving peace. #perolofdkenglish
splintbasket: #perolofdkdigt #dikt #digt #perolofdkenglish #poem
splintbasket: #snowwhite #perolofdk #perolofdkenglish
splintbasket: #selfie is not the answer #perolofdk #perolofdkenglish #d_expo
splintbasket: #perolofdk #perolofdkdigt #digt #dikt #perolofdkenglish
splintbasket: ##perolofdk #perolofdkenglish #cartoon
splintbasket: New James: #perolofdkdigt #perolofdkenglish #poem #digt #dikt
splintbasket: #perolofdkdigt #digt #dikt #poetry #majakovskij #perolofdkenglish
splintbasket: #perolofdkdigt #digt #dikt #poem. #perolofdkenglish #1942 #2016 #winter #birds
splintbasket: #perolofdkenglish #perolofdkdigt #digt #dikt
splintbasket: #perolofdkdigt #digt #dikt #cyberspace @hansulrichobrist #perolofdkenglish
splintbasket: #poetry #perolofdkdigt #digt #dikt #worldwide #here #perolofdkenglish
splintbasket: #livstegnpoj #livstegn #perolofdkdigt #hansulrichobrist
splintbasket: #livstegnpoj #livstegn 1964 #perolofdkdigt @hansulrichobrist
splintbasket: #livstegn 1964 #signoflife #visualpoetry #perolofdkdigt _digt #yayoikusama could not stop! But I did! 😉 #livstegnpoj
splintbasket: #digt #studenterbladet 1964 #poetry #poem #konkretisme #livstegn #perolofdkdigt #livstegnpoj @hansulrichobrist
splintbasket: #hejkurv #poem #digt #dikt #perolofdkdigt #perolofdkenglish
splintbasket: #hejkurv #poem #digt #dikt #perolofdkdigt #perolofdkenglish
splintbasket: My Anti Hate Speech #antihate #poetry #digt #dikt #perolofdkdigt
splintbasket: Digte fra Instagram
splintbasket: Digte fra Instagram
splintbasket: Digte fra Instagram
splintbasket: Digte fra Instagram