splintbasket: A row with splint baskets...
splintbasket: Basket for the baby1
splintbasket: Basket for a baby2
splintbasket: Linen basket
splintbasket: Linen basket?
splintbasket: Splintbasket yes
splintbasket: ..not in focus that day...
splintbasket: Entrance to children area..
splintbasket: IKEA close up
splintbasket: Figurines with splint basket
splintbasket: Basket on pot holder in patch work
splintbasket: Saint Dorothea 1474
splintbasket: Special baskets
splintbasket: Bottle with plait
splintbasket: Top of the bottle
splintbasket: Bottle basket
splintbasket: Basket models
splintbasket: Basket models 2
splintbasket: Basket model 3
splintbasket: Plaited lair
splintbasket: Plaited lair 2
splintbasket: Wastepaper basket
splintbasket: Plaited sound balls
splintbasket: Plait on wheel 2
splintbasket: Plait on wheel 1
splintbasket: Splint basket