Permaculture Association: The sun came out for opening day
Permaculture Association: Hugelkultur beds at Goffin's Land, Exeter
Permaculture Association: The barn at Goffin Land
Permaculture Association: Sunday lunch
Permaculture Association: Forest garden workshop with Tomas Remiarz
Permaculture Association: The rescued baby jackdaw made plenty of friends...
Permaculture Association: Camping field
Permaculture Association: Campfire cooking
Permaculture Association: Campfire bread and songs
Permaculture Association: Travelling in style
Permaculture Association: Prayer flags lead to reception
Permaculture Association: Maddy & Tim Harland talk about Permaculture Magazine with Andy Goldring
Permaculture Association: Forest gardening workshop with Tomas Remiarz
Permaculture Association: Mandy Barber talks about Incredible Vegetables
Permaculture Association: The younger visitors were spoilt for choice (as were the older ones, to be honest!)
Permaculture Association: Lyndon Forster with his amazing hang drums in the kid's tent
Permaculture Association: Kid's tent decoration
Permaculture Association: Kid's tent decorations
Permaculture Association: Question everything in the kid's tent
Permaculture Association: Kid's tent decorations
Permaculture Association: Stone painting
Permaculture Association: Scarecrow making in the kid's tent
Permaculture Association: Kid's tent decorations
Permaculture Association: Arrivals getting to know each other
Permaculture Association: Our brand new wooden pull-up banner!
Permaculture Association: Larch Maxey, Network of Wellbeing
Permaculture Association: Larch Maxey's workshop
Permaculture Association: Ffyona Campbell's workshop about wild foods
Permaculture Association: Kid's adventure area in the woods