Permaculture Association: Catrine presenting
Permaculture Association: Catrine finishing her presentation
Permaculture Association: Catrine presenting her accreditation
Permaculture Association: Presenting with a sword as a pointer... it's all there was. Use existing resources.
Permaculture Association: Catrine finishing her presentation
Permaculture Association: Joe presenting his 3D modelling
Permaculture Association: Participants concentrating and making notes
Permaculture Association: Participants concentrating and making notes
Permaculture Association: Participants in a workshop
Permaculture Association: Andy noting in an interactive workshop
Permaculture Association: Andy noting in an interactive workshop
Permaculture Association: Waiting for a presentation
Permaculture Association: Group discussion breakout - what is the true third ethic?
Permaculture Association: Nicole presenting one of her designs - Medicine Garden
Permaculture Association: Nim Robins diploma certificate
Permaculture Association: Nim Robins diploma certificate
Permaculture Association: Nicole Vosper diploma certificate
Permaculture Association: Three fantastic new women diploma holders
Permaculture Association: New diploma graduates with their tutors