Permaculture Association: Lighting the Cob Oven
Permaculture Association: A group Shot of Some of the Event Organisers
Permaculture Association: The Permaculture Information Stall
Permaculture Association: Jo Barker giving a presentation about forest gardening
Permaculture Association: John Rudgard giving a presentation about Rifleman Cottage
Permaculture Association: Networking in the garden
Permaculture Association: Katy Cox gives a talk on beekeeping
Permaculture Association: Aranya gives a workshop on Permaculture Design
Permaculture Association: Designing your permaculture garden with Jo Barker
Permaculture Association: A view across Abbey Physic Community Garden
Permaculture Association: A View of the Wildlife Pond
Permaculture Association: Networking in the nasturtiums!