transiently permanent: Storm towards Belgium
transiently permanent: Bolt landing behind the shelter
transiently permanent: A Bolt from the Black
transiently permanent: Moonrise Beside the Shelter
transiently permanent: Distant Storm Behind the Shelter
transiently permanent: Storm above the shelter
transiently permanent: Moonlit Clouds Over the Shelter at night
transiently permanent: Blue Sky at night over the shelter
transiently permanent: Huge clouds over the channel
transiently permanent: Stormy Dawn behind the Victorian Shelter
transiently permanent: Welcome to Walmer Beach
transiently permanent: Electrical Storm over the English Channel
transiently permanent: Morning Number One, Sunday
transiently permanent: P9198410 Moon over the Shelter
transiently permanent: Deep in the Blue Hour
transiently permanent: Shelter in the Black of Night
transiently permanent: Wispy Cloud Shapes above the shelter