transiently permanent:
Bar One, Sheffield University Students' Union, June 1988
transiently permanent:
Bristol 1983 or 84?
transiently permanent:
The Fox and Duck, Broomhill, Sheffield
transiently permanent:
Jung Ying, 466 Glossop Rd, Sheffield
transiently permanent:
Ashdell, Broomhill, Sheffield
transiently permanent:
Ashdell House, Ashdell, Broomhill, Sheffield - home for most of three years!
transiently permanent:
Straddled by hilarious expressions from Tim and Susie
transiently permanent:
Some kind of hilarity with Tim and Isobel
transiently permanent:
Susie, running in a blur in 2006
transiently permanent:
Susie, 2006
transiently permanent:
Race, Bedford Park, 2006
transiently permanent:
Girls mirroring each other with Fati, Sainsbury's car park, Bedford
transiently permanent:
Fatimeh entertaining my kids, the Bedford flat, 2006
transiently permanent:
Eleanor at Olivier Court, 2006
transiently permanent:
Eleanor and Susie, 2006
transiently permanent:
Tim and Eleanor at Wicksteed Park, 2007
transiently permanent:
Tim and Eleanor at Wicksteed Park, 2007
transiently permanent:
Tim and Eleanor at Wicksteed Park, 2007
transiently permanent:
Susie and Eleanor at Wicksteed Park, 2007
transiently permanent:
Susie and Eleanor at Wicksteed Park, 2007
transiently permanent:
Susie and Eleanor at Wicksteed Park, 2007
transiently permanent:
Izzy enjoys a drive, 2007
transiently permanent:
Eleanor takes it for a spin, 2007
transiently permanent:
Eleanor, 2007
transiently permanent:
transiently permanent:
Indyia, Bedford