Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Yokohama Christian School for the Blind
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Groundbreaking Ceremony, Yokohama Christian School for the Blind, Japan
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Enveloped address to Dr. Edward J. Waterhouse, Perkins School for the Blind, from Sadako Imamura, Yokohama Christian School for the Blind, Japan
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Groundbreaking Ceremony, Yokohama Christian School for the Blind, Japan
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Groundbreaking Ceremony, Yokohama Christian School for the Blind, Japan
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Groundbreaking Ceremony, Yokohama Christian School for the Blind, Japan
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Groundbreaking Ceremony, Yokohama Christian School for the Blind, Japan
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Groundbreaking Ceremony, Yokohama Christian School for the Blind, Japan
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Groundbreaking Ceremony, Yokohama Christian School for the Blind, Japan
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Groundbreaking Ceremony, Yokohama Christian School for the Blind, Japan
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Groundbreaking Ceremony, Yokohama Christian School for the Blind, Japan
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Groundbreaking Ceremony, Yokohama Christian School for the Blind, Japan
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Yokohama Christian School for the Blind, Japan
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Yokohama Christian School for the Blind, Japan
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Yokohama Christian School for the Blind, Japan
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Yokohama Christian School for the Blind, Japan