Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Blind Beggar, Jacques Callot
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Beggar Woman with a Bowl
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Blind Child Begging with Other Children
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Aveugle des Quinze Vingt
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: L'Aveugle des Quinze-Vingts
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Aveugle Des Quinze Vingt, Chardin
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: The Blind Beggar's Daughter
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: The Journey of a Blind Beggar
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Le Petit Mendiant (The Little Beggar)
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Ayez Pitie D'un Aveugle
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Two Beggars Scuffling, Bellange
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Le Pauvre Aveugle (The Poor Blind Man)
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Les trois Gateaux (The Three Cakes), from L'Ami Des Enfants, by Arnaud Berquin.
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: La Jeune Aveugle Du Pont Neuf, Paris
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: The Blind Beggar, H. W. Bunbury Esq.
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Le Baton de Vieillesse: The Staff of Old Age
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Wealthy Couple Walking by a Blind Beggar
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Blind Beggar with a Dog, Francisco Goya
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: In Varias Certarunt Pectora Curas, Manil
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Un Aveugle Mendiant, Jacques Callot