Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Royal Normal College for the Blind, England photograph album cover
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Album introduction to Royal Normal College for the Blind.
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Francis Joseph Campbell, circa 1900-1914
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Francis Joseph Campbell
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Francis Joseph Campbell
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Francis Joseph Campbell and Sophia Campbell
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Royal Normal College Main Gateway
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Entrance Gate Gardens, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Residences at Royal Normal College
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Armitage Bell, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Main Building and Armitage Memorial Clock, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Kindergarten Class, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Nature Study Class, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Geography Class, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Sewing Class, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Nature Study Class, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Kindergarten Class, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Typing Class, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Typing Class, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Type Writing Department, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Sloyd Shop Class, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Piano Tuning, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Roller Skating, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Swimming Exercises, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Cycling Around the Cottage Grounds, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Girls Party Ready for an Outing, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Boys Party Ready for an Outing, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Classes on "The Mount" Lawn, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Garden Party, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England
Perkins School for the Blind Archive: Cantata, The Royal Normal College for the Blind, England