perke: I don't get it enough. So, here is my curry-ya start of Sunday.
perke: I pop pills poster slowly falling off the wall.
perke: Tom Warren documenting I pop pills by the blue bottle coffee.
perke: Mini MacAirs perfection on 14th Street.
perke: Looks like good booze in Charles Bank on the Bowery but it was not.
perke: Yellow, red, white food.
perke: Keeping it Polish flag for pink.
perke: We keep getting incents from JP friends. And we're saving them.
perke: On Kawara at the Met front postcards.
perke: On Kawara at the Met, back of the postcard installation.
perke: If I did not know better, looks like Bloomberg misspelled by pinc.
perke: Hand making noodles at Hung Ry.
perke: Roger Smith past dinner.
perke: Cute.
perke: My flickr.
perke: Museum exhibition catalog. A painter's wife.
perke: Mental note, get that!
perke: Cuping coffee at Bluebottle. Beans.
perke: Cuping coffee at Bluebottle. Skimming.
perke: Cuping coffee at Bluebottle. Wating.
perke: Cuping coffee at Bluebottle. Brewing.
perke: Roxy Pain at James Cohan.
perke: Art of Coffee. Latte and drip.
perke: Art of Coffee. Latte.
perke: Latte coconut maccaroon drip.
perke: Artist abusing his subjects with flour.
perke: Mental note: check it these are on NYAB.
perke: Installation at Yvone Lambert, Chelsea.
perke: Barbara Gladstone gallery. Mental note: eventually I shoudl build something like it near my living quarters.
perke: Important message from a fortune cookie. Tea.