periss: ricky
periss: _MG_7147
periss: the gang
periss: Lola's got it
periss: so fast!
periss: do i have to share?
periss: tobie did you see that?
periss: Ricky n Gracye Ann
periss: run fast!
periss: on the prowl
periss: race you
periss: beach boys
periss: my sister Maggie
periss: some cutey at Pebble Beach
periss: who's boss now
periss: my friend Chip
periss: chip and ricky
periss: _MG_7433
periss: Ricky and Lolla
periss: jumpin beans
periss: Tobie and Ricky
periss: nice stick
periss: havin fun on a hot day
periss: IMG_3386
periss: hi
periss: are you coming?