mg3n2_6li: Rocks from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (青藏高原)
mg3n2_6li: Hill and pool from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (青藏高原)
mg3n2_6li: Mountains from the Tanglha Pass (唐古拉山口)
mg3n2_6li: Waters from the Tanglha Pass (唐古拉山口)
mg3n2_6li: Hills near the Tanglha Pass (唐古拉山口)
mg3n2_6li: Pool in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (青藏高原)
mg3n2_6li: Convent in Nagqu (ནག་ཆུ།, 那曲)
mg3n2_6li: Fields near Lhasa
mg3n2_6li: Mountains near Lhasa
mg3n2_6li: Store for selling vessels
mg3n2_6li: Doors to the courtyard of Ramoche Temple (ར་མོ་ཆེ་དགོན་པ, 小昭寺)
mg3n2_6li: Sculpture at the top of Ramoche Temple (ར་མོ་ཆེ་དགོན་པ, 小昭寺)
mg3n2_6li: Roof and beams from the second floor of Ramoche Temple (ར་མོ་ཆེ་དགོན་པ, 小昭寺)
mg3n2_6li: Sculpture inside Ramoche Temple (ར་མོ་ཆེ་དགོན་པ, 小昭寺)
mg3n2_6li: Murals in Ramoche Temple (ར་མོ་ཆེ་དགོན་པ, 小昭寺) (1)
mg3n2_6li: Murals in Ramoche Temple (ར་མོ་ཆེ་དགོན་པ, 小昭寺) (2)
mg3n2_6li: Reliefs on the exterior of Ramoche Temple (ར་མོ་ཆེ་དགོན་པ, 小昭寺)
mg3n2_6li: Butchery
mg3n2_6li: Kitten
mg3n2_6li: Man retouching thangka
mg3n2_6li: Man retouching thangka
mg3n2_6li: Banner in the front of Jokhang Temple (ཇོ་ཁང།, 大昭寺)
mg3n2_6li: Potala Palace Plaza
mg3n2_6li: Mantric inscription outside Potala Palace (布达拉宫)
mg3n2_6li: Mantric inscription outside Potala Palace (布达拉宫)
mg3n2_6li: Icon outside Potala Palace (布达拉宫)
mg3n2_6li: Woman making an offering before an icon
mg3n2_6li: Pillar from the courtyard of Jokhang Temple Jokhang Temple (ཇོ་ཁང།, 大昭寺)
mg3n2_6li: Pillars from the courtyard of Jokhang Temple Jokhang Temple (ཇོ་ཁང།, 大昭寺)
mg3n2_6li: Butter lamps in Jokhang Temple (ཇོ་ཁང།, 大昭寺)