grace_photography: nature's ornament
Eve Livesey: Autumn Leaves Series
Allan Saw: The Big Bang
one_man's_life: I could have been somebody.
Eve Livesey: Burning
nushuz: ~Indian Summer....~
Allan Saw: Poor Ned
Photomaginarium: liftoff.
grace_photography: upside down
msdonnalee: getting to the bottom of things
Eve Livesey: Autumn
Eve Livesey: Summer
msdonnalee: man in the matrix
Eve Livesey: Deserted 1
nushuz: ~Have a seat....drink in the last of autumn's beauty.!
In Memoriam: Roofer 1: Shoreline Of An Old Glacier Lake
nushuz: ~Sweet Golden Autumn~ Happy Fence Friday!
Patty Maher: Look to the light
Eve Livesey: House on the Hill
msdonnalee: good feng shui
grace_photography: where have all the flowers gone
Patty Maher: Of the corn
nushuz: ~I just took one peanut! The squirrels won't miss one!~
Schooksonruss: Costa's Hummingbird
Keep Calm & Carry A Camera: She ain't got much to say to you...
In Memoriam: Roofer 1: Return To 2010
1bluecanoe: Rain Drops