peregrine blue:
Freehand Embroidery ATC
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Freehand Embroidery ATC EXPLORED
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DETAIL Third Freehand Embroidery ATC
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The Three Together EXPLORED
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Mini cotton embroidered ATC
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Fabric Atc traded
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Fabric ATC traded
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Fabric ATC traded
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My latest Trio of Trees
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Summer is Here
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I lOvE bUtToNs Fabric ATC ACEO
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Fabric ATC traded with Doeki
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Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall framed Fabric ATCS ACEOS
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Embroidered ATC ACEO
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Fabric ATC swapped
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Always and Forever Fabric ATC ZNE
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Mini Fabric & Beaded Linen Creation
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Handembroidered Daisy ATC ACEO
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Handembroidered Daisy ATC ACEO #3 for MAMMA's Challenge
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Hand embroidered Poppy ATC ACEO
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White on White Organic Fabric ATC ACEO EXPLORED
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Handemboidered ATC EXPLORED
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"Favorite Things" Challenge Needlefelted Alpaca Wool and Bird + Twig from Yosemite EXPLORED
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Vintage Fabrics MAMMA challenge Favorite Things Fabric ATC
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Favorite Things Challenge ROSES Hand embroidered ATC ACEO on Linen created for MAMMA
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Felt Beads & Embroidery Trees
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Felted Alpaca Wool Embellished mini Summer Tree
peregrine blue:
my wonderful,productive chaotic space