pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: 1. számú óvóhely - Shelter # 1
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: Factory Arena
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: Miskolci Egyetem Minőségbiztosítási Tanszék - University of Miskolc, Department of Quality Assurance
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: office building
pepictures: these plants never die
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: hűtőtorony - cooling tower
pepictures: new Renault garbage collectors
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: Kamaz
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: dead Kamaz
pepictures: office building
pepictures: Factory Arena - old screw factory
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: old screw factory
pepictures: Ikarus 415 terace at Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary
pepictures: Diósgyőr, Miskolc, Hungary