Pepe Rivera: #CaravanCherán, #Cherán, Michoacán
Pepe Rivera: Salvador Campanur Sánchez & the Purépecha Solidarity Declaration of the people of #Cherán towards #CaravanaMX & #Sicilia
Pepe Rivera: Honoring the Gods of the Game
Pepe Rivera: Humanitarian Caravana Time
Pepe Rivera: Caravaneros dropped off in el Zócalo
Pepe Rivera: Pickup with donations
Pepe Rivera: Greeting the Cuernavaca Caravaneros
Pepe Rivera: El Re-encuentro con "Arbolito"
Pepe Rivera: Topo helping out with the Coordination
Pepe Rivera: #CaravanaCherán Bus Coordination
Pepe Rivera: Unloading Donations Truck
Pepe Rivera: UNAM at #CaravanMX
Pepe Rivera: Loading the CaravanaMX
Pepe Rivera: #Cherán: +70 days of Siege
Pepe Rivera: Greeting in Cherán
Pepe Rivera: Coordination of buses & road-blocks by Community Police
Pepe Rivera: Yayo under siege in #Cherán.
Pepe Rivera: #CaravanaMX Marching Through #Cherán
Pepe Rivera: B-day Girl gets a Caravano Clown!!
Pepe Rivera: Girl between Peace and Justice.
Pepe Rivera: Cheranitos
Pepe Rivera: Caminos del Corazón: Roberto Galván adresses #Cherán.
Pepe Rivera: Lunch & hand-made tortillas at one of the Check-points on the Plaza.
Pepe Rivera: #TaketheSquare @ #Cherán, #Mexico
Pepe Rivera: La Alarma del Pueblo de #Cherán
Pepe Rivera: JUCHARI UINAPIKUA, The Flag of the Purépecha Tribe -#Cherán
Pepe Rivera: #Cherán: We are the Community Police.
Pepe Rivera: Caravaneras @Cherán
Pepe Rivera: Don Galván y su mensaje de Paz @ Cherán, Michoacán.