DirectoryMaster: First before shot
DirectoryMaster: Another before shot
DirectoryMaster: Early Morning Prayer Team
DirectoryMaster: You're no barber
DirectoryMaster: Pathetic shaving
DirectoryMaster: Prepped and ready
DirectoryMaster: Close-up of the Sltealth MRI "candies"
DirectoryMaster: Absolving them of all guilt
DirectoryMaster: CIMG2409
DirectoryMaster: Eileen cleaning - big surprise
DirectoryMaster: Almost ready for the Stealth MRI
DirectoryMaster: More needle work
DirectoryMaster: First IV
DirectoryMaster: CIMG2414
DirectoryMaster: CIMG2415
DirectoryMaster: CIMG2416
DirectoryMaster: Ready for my Stealth MRI
DirectoryMaster: My determined wife
DirectoryMaster: Megan laughing
DirectoryMaster: Amy and megan excited about my new room
DirectoryMaster: Friends and family in my 3rd - and private room
DirectoryMaster: Felt so good to be going home
DirectoryMaster: Wendy, what happened?
DirectoryMaster: Me really at home
DirectoryMaster: Stitchless
DirectoryMaster: Stitchless working on my laptop
DirectoryMaster: 17 Days After Surgery
DirectoryMaster: Don's Eye