Tenia Prokalamou:
How strange this fear of death is! We are never frightened at a sunset.
Tenia Prokalamou:
Ολυμπιακό Συγκρότημα Γουδιού, Πάρκο Αθανάτων. (Goudi Olympic Complex, Athens)
Tenia Prokalamou:
Ολυμπιακό Συγκρότημα Γουδιού, Πάρκο Αθανάτων. (Goudi Olympic Complex, Athens)
Tenia Prokalamou:
Ολυμπιακό Συγκρότημα Γουδιού, Πάρκο Αθανάτων. (Goudi Olympic Complex, Athens)
Tenia Prokalamou:
Ολυμπιακό Συγκρότημα Γουδιού, Πάρκο Αθανάτων. (Goudi Olympic Complex, Athens)
Tenia Prokalamou:
Ολυμπιακό Συγκρότημα Γουδιού, Πάρκο Αθανάτων. (Goudi Olympic Complex, Athens)
Tenia Prokalamou:
Εκκλησάκι Ανάληψης, Αισθητικό Δάσος Καισαριανής. Church of the Ascension.
Tenia Prokalamou:
Εκκλησάκι Ανάληψης, Αισθητικό Δάσος Καισαριανής. Church of the Ascension.
Tenia Prokalamou:
October's footprints
Tenia Prokalamou:
Sometimes you pick your friends, sometimes they pick you.
Tenia Prokalamou:
Mission Impossible.
Tenia Prokalamou:
While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.
Tenia Prokalamou:
Vivere Pericolosamente.
Tenia Prokalamou:
A chain is no stronger than its weakest link, and life is after all a chain. ~William James
Tenia Prokalamou:
And suddenly life turns you upside down, and you find out that this is the right way.
Tenia Prokalamou:
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.
Tenia Prokalamou:
I Always Arrive Late at the Office, but I Make Up for it by Leaving Early...
Tenia Prokalamou:
“I'd rather take coffee than compliments just now.”
Tenia Prokalamou:
Lycabettus hill
Tenia Prokalamou:
What a Great View...
Tenia Prokalamou:
Summer Destination
Tenia Prokalamou:
Music has been my dream, my life, my playmate, my lover and my crying towel.
Tenia Prokalamou:
Balance is... not letting anyone love you less than you love yourself.
Tenia Prokalamou:
Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη, Αθήνα - National Library, Athens, ΙΙΙ
Tenia Prokalamou:
Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη, Αθήνα - National Library, Athens, ΙΙ
Tenia Prokalamou:
Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη, Αθήνα - National Library, Athens, Ι