| pH |: Surrounded by the dead
| pH |: The Eiffel Tower
| pH |: Les amants du Pont-Neuf
| pH |: Union Square, SF
| pH |: The Castle of Koldinghus, Denmark
| pH |: "I have a dream"
| pH |: "Welcome to ghost house" - Oulu, Nuottasaari, Finland
| pH |: Lone September swan – River Oulu, Tuira, Finland
| pH |: Across the iron bridge - Rautasilta, Oulu, Finland
| pH |: Hollywood Undead, Niittyaro in Oulu
| pH |: Ainola Park, Oulu
| pH |: Waiting for owner
| pH |: Dam
| pH |: Bridge to Pikisaari, Oulu, Finland