pentaximus: Cheddar
pentaximus: Writing spider
pentaximus: Ant feast
pentaximus: Male house finch
pentaximus: Goober 2
pentaximus: Goober
pentaximus: Flying ant swarm
pentaximus: Male Eastern box turtle
pentaximus: Common Grackle, uncommon plumage?
pentaximus: Common Grackle, uncommon plumage? 2
pentaximus: Old Felix
pentaximus: Cope's Gray Treefrog 3
pentaximus: Cope's Gray Treefrog 2
pentaximus: Cope's Gray Treefrog 1
pentaximus: Heron
pentaximus: Family shopping trip
pentaximus: Nap time?
pentaximus: Homemaking
pentaximus: Mockingbird on a wire
pentaximus: A little closer
pentaximus: Goose profile
pentaximus: Male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 3
pentaximus: Male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 2
pentaximus: Male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1
pentaximus: King of the mountain
pentaximus: Boy meets bird
pentaximus: Mikey mirror
pentaximus: Finger perch
pentaximus: Treetop Hawk
pentaximus: "Stay here, Honey. I'll be right back!"