Pentax_clic: Jaseur d'Amérique
Pentax_clic: oie du Canada/ Canada's geese
Pentax_clic: heron à la chasse/ Hunting heron
Pentax_clic: Famille de canards/ Duck family
Pentax_clic: Suivons le "leader"/ Follow the leader
Pentax_clic: Le chat du caveau Beaujeu/ Grave vault cat
Pentax_clic: Oie domestique/ Domestic goose
Pentax_clic: Castors dans leur habitat naturel/ Beavers in their homeland
Pentax_clic: Castor sur sa hutte/ Beaver on its lodge
Pentax_clic: Hirondelle bicolore/ Swallow
Pentax_clic: Hirondelles et hirondeaux/Swallow feeding baby
Pentax_clic: Les Oiseaux perchés.../ Birds on the wire...
Pentax_clic: Cane au Lac Pine/ Hudson (Quebec)
Pentax_clic: Je tisse ma toile.../ I weave...
Pentax_clic: Bécasseau au Lac des Deux-Montagnes/ Sandpiper, Quebec
Pentax_clic: On va y arriver/ We can do it
Pentax_clic: Oies au Soleil/ Geese in the sun
Pentax_clic: Leçon de natation/ Swimming lesson
Pentax_clic: L'autre solution! / The other way!
Pentax_clic: C'est le printemps!/ Its spring!
Pentax_clic: Un printemps hatif!!!!!/ Early spring!!!
Pentax_clic: Rien ne m'arrête!/ Nothing stops me!
Pentax_clic: Bernaches et canard/ Geese and duck
Pentax_clic: Le temps des amours/ A time for love
Pentax_clic: Étang au jardin botanique/ At the Montreal Botanical Garden
Pentax_clic: Papillons en liberté 1/Butterflies go free 1
Pentax_clic: Papillons en liberté 2/ Butterflies for free 2
Pentax_clic: Castor 1/ Beaver 1
Pentax_clic: Papillon 3/ Butterfy 3
Pentax_clic: Papillon 4/ Butterfly 4