kevin is your animal spirit:
Jeff Patey's a funny dude
kevin is your animal spirit:
you're next.
kevin is your animal spirit:
conversation starter
kevin is your animal spirit:
the heckler
kevin is your animal spirit:
got one where he wasn't making a damn face
kevin is your animal spirit:
"Hey, listen to me, I'm a funny guy doopa doopa doop"
kevin is your animal spirit:
the laid-back one
kevin is your animal spirit:
no fucking way
kevin is your animal spirit:
Ivimey himself
kevin is your animal spirit:
the performer
kevin is your animal spirit:
getting a coffee on the cigarette break
kevin is your animal spirit:
doesn't even smoke
kevin is your animal spirit:
so... disgusted
kevin is your animal spirit:
after the set antics
kevin is your animal spirit:
lyrics to "don't speak" go here
kevin is your animal spirit:
everything's clear? yeah.
kevin is your animal spirit:
thinking of funny things to say
kevin is your animal spirit:
what a guy
kevin is your animal spirit:
kevin is your animal spirit:
kevin is your animal spirit:
not his type of crowd
kevin is your animal spirit:
this is depressing