pennyzphotolane: Pelot homstead in Vesper, Wisconsin
pennyzphotolane: Gr Van den broek
pennyzphotolane: 1939 chevy, 8 Corners Cheese Factory, Vesper, Wisconsin
pennyzphotolane: Albert Pelot
pennyzphotolane: 8 Corners Cheese Factory, Vesper, Wisconsin
pennyzphotolane: 8 Corners Cheese Factory, Vesper, Wisconsin
pennyzphotolane: albert pelot
pennyzphotolane: Albert Pelot
pennyzphotolane: Dennis and Kevin Pelot 1968
pennyzphotolane: Rose and Pete Sticka- 8 Corners Cheese factory, Vesper, Wisconsin
pennyzphotolane: Larry and Jerry Pelot
pennyzphotolane: Hunsie (Hass) and Pete Sticka, 8 Corners Cheese factory, Vesper Wisconsin
pennyzphotolane: cheese factory- Thiry Deams
pennyzphotolane: Dennis and Kevin Pelot
pennyzphotolane: Marie Pelot, Old West Grand Bridge, Wisconsin Rapids
pennyzphotolane: Dennis Pelot
pennyzphotolane: Dennis Pelot
pennyzphotolane: gr gr Sticka, Marie and Larry Pelot
pennyzphotolane: Marie and Albert Pelot
pennyzphotolane: Albert, Marie, Larry, Jerry, Dennis and Kevin Pelot
pennyzphotolane: Pete and Rose Sticka
pennyzphotolane: Pelot homstead in Vesper, Wisconsin
pennyzphotolane: Pelot homstead in Vesper, Wisconsin
pennyzphotolane: 8 Corners Cheese Factory, Vesper, Wisconsin
pennyzphotolane: Rose and Pete Sticka
pennyzphotolane: 8 Corners Cheese Factory, Vesper, Wisconsin
pennyzphotolane: Rose Sticka
pennyzphotolane: 8 Corners Cheese Factory, Vesper, Wisconsin
pennyzphotolane: Pelots, Uncle Vince in Army. WWII
pennyzphotolane: Ray, Jewel, Pete and Albert (Rose)