k.dmitrijewa: Preparation for the visit to the boarding school in Nizhny Chir, Russia
k.dmitrijewa: Lazy sunny day
k.dmitrijewa: Klavdia Panchishkina's memorial a the entrance
k.dmitrijewa: Facade (detail)
k.dmitrijewa: Alla introduces the project
k.dmitrijewa: Teachers
k.dmitrijewa: Alla greets one of the captains
k.dmitrijewa: Alla greeting one of the captains
k.dmitrijewa: Deserted island
k.dmitrijewa: A lone wolf
k.dmitrijewa: The web
k.dmitrijewa: The web
k.dmitrijewa: Russian province
k.dmitrijewa: What's in the box?
k.dmitrijewa: Acute sense of smell
k.dmitrijewa: Ready, steady, go!
k.dmitrijewa: Holding the ring
k.dmitrijewa: Holding the ring
k.dmitrijewa: The labyrinth
k.dmitrijewa: The labyrinth
k.dmitrijewa: The labyrinth
k.dmitrijewa: The Labyrinth
k.dmitrijewa: The Labyrinth
k.dmitrijewa: Alternative ways to use a toothbrush and alike
k.dmitrijewa: Facade (detail)
k.dmitrijewa: Nothing goes together better than a ball and a dozen of forks
k.dmitrijewa: Nothing goes together better than a ball and a dozen of forks
k.dmitrijewa: Nothing goes together better than a ball and a dozen of forks
k.dmitrijewa: Children from the younger group