k.dmitrijewa: Volunteers preparing for the class
k.dmitrijewa: Volunteers preparing for their classes
k.dmitrijewa: The school bell
k.dmitrijewa: Volunteers in the room for children aged 11–13
k.dmitrijewa: Majority rules
k.dmitrijewa: A very modest interior of the room
k.dmitrijewa: Volunteers in the room for children aged 11–13
k.dmitrijewa: Our defenders
k.dmitrijewa: Volunteers in the room for children aged 11–13
k.dmitrijewa: A bookshelf
k.dmitrijewa: Manayev Nikita's plant
k.dmitrijewa: A teacher helps the children introduce their classmates
k.dmitrijewa: A door handle
k.dmitrijewa: A room for children aged 11–13
k.dmitrijewa: Volunteers in the class
k.dmitrijewa: Little comfort for the children
k.dmitrijewa: A teacher is taking a photograph of the students
k.dmitrijewa: The put-the-oranges'-peel-back contest
k.dmitrijewa: Make us clap to you!
k.dmitrijewa: Make us clap to you!
k.dmitrijewa: Spartan conditions for children in a state boarding school in Russia
k.dmitrijewa: A volunteer in one of the older groups
k.dmitrijewa: A volunteer in the room for children aged 8–11
k.dmitrijewa: The room for the youngest children at the state boarding school
k.dmitrijewa: The toys
k.dmitrijewa: A vermicelli bag
k.dmitrijewa: Veronika doll
k.dmitrijewa: Children helping the volunteers fold the tablecloth
k.dmitrijewa: Some toys attached to the mirror
k.dmitrijewa: Children waiting for the next task