pennycooke: Captial Sunglasses at Oakland Supply Co.
pennycooke: Oaklandish Warehouse facility
pennycooke: Screen collection
pennycooke: The keeper of the colors!
pennycooke: Mix Mistress
pennycooke: Screen printing setup
pennycooke: Pink printing Ink
pennycooke: Printing Inks
pennycooke: On a quest to mix the perfect pink
pennycooke: Oaklandish Logo
pennycooke: Printing inks
pennycooke: Printers checking out the screens
pennycooke: Inspecting the details
pennycooke: Screen with graphic
pennycooke: Printers hard at work
pennycooke: Ink collection
pennycooke: Screen collection
pennycooke: Shirt in process
pennycooke: Printing Inks
pennycooke: N.S.E West Co. Bags
pennycooke: Oaklandish - Shirts Storeage (detail)
pennycooke: Oaklandish - Shirts Storeage
pennycooke: " I do a lot around here.."
pennycooke: Oaklandish - Lockers
pennycooke: A litte bit of history
pennycooke: Reference materials
pennycooke: Lighting
pennycooke: Antique Washboard
pennycooke: Oakland Supply Co. Store
pennycooke: Oakland Supply Co Bag