Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Coca Cola Advertisement, January 20, 1941 ("Life" Magazine)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Revere: Copper and Brass Inc. Advertisement, August 19, 1944 ("Saturday Evening Post")
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Nash Airflytes Advertisement, December 1953
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "New Yorker Magazine" August, 1945 (Beach)001
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "New Yorker Magazine" August, 1946 (Ford Advertisement)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: American Gas Association Advertisement, March 18, 1944 ( "The Saturday Evening Post")
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Easy Washer Advertisement, March 18, 1944 ("The Saturday Evening Post")
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: The General Tire Advertisement, July 7, 1945 ("The Saturday Evening Post")
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Front Cover of the "Saturday Evening Post", May 11, 1940
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Front Cover of the "Saturday Evening Post", November 29, 1947
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Buick Advertisement, May 29, 1943 ("Saturday Evening Post")
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Maxwell House Coffee Advertisement, January 27, 1945 ("Saturday Evening Post")
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: The New Yorker Cover, November 18, 1944
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: New Yorker Magazine, November 10, 1945 (Lincoln)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Life Magazine" December, 1956 (Howard Johnson's)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Life Magazine" December, 1956 (Oldsmobile) 001
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Life Magazine" December, 1956 (Pontiac)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Life Magazine" December, 1956 (Washing Machine)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "New Yorker Magazine" March 3, 1946 (Trans World Airways)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "New Yorker Magazine" March 3, 1946 (United Airline)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "New Yorker Magazine" November 10, 1945 (Curtiss Wright)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "New Yorker Magazine" November 10, 1945 (Delta Airlines)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Kelly Tires Advertisement, January 15, 1944 ("Saturday Evening Post")
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Arrow Shirts Advertisement ("Life" Magazine, November 14, 1949)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: It Pays to Fly Advertisement Featuring Eleanor Roosevelt
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Moore Business Forms, Inc. Advertisement )"Time" Magazine, September 9, 1946)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Mobiloil Advertisement ("Life" Magazine, November 14, 1949)