Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Object 5a: "Women's Rights!," front of pinback button, ca. 1910-1920
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Red Cross Christmas Roll Call Worker," badge, ca. 1910-1919. (Image 1 of 1)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Doctor and Madame Strong's Corsets," advertising trade card, ca. late 19th century. (Image 1 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Our Country Did It Before," Postcard, ca. 1941-1945. (Image 1 of 1)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: D. [Douglas] Tempest, "Girls are doing all the fellows' jobs now!," postcard front, ca.1918. (Image 1 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Bob Shafer and Spencer Williams, "Flapper Fan", sheet music cover, 1922. (Image 1 of 4)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Bob Shafer and Spencer Williams, "Flapper Fan", sheet music page, 1922. (Image 2 of 4)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "A Woman's Tongue is Her Sword", postcard, 1907. (Image 1 of 1)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "No Votes No Hearts," Comic Valentine, ca. 1910-1920. (Image 1 of 1)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Object 12: "The Woman Citizen," cover, August 1927. (Image 1 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Object 12: "The Woman Citizen," table of contents, August 1927. (Image 2 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "The Greatest Mother in the World," poster, ca. 1917-1919
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Womans Relief Corps," medal, 1883. (Image 1 of 1)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "70th National Convention Ladies of the G.A.R.," medal, 1956. (Image 1 of 1)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic," medal, 1888. (Image 1 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic," medal, 1888. (Image 2 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "70th National Convention Ladies of the G.A.R.," medal, 1956. (Image 2 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Rising Sun Stove Polish," advertising trade card, late 19th century. (Image 1 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Rising Sun Stove Polish," advertising trade card, late 19th century. (Image 2 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Division of Labor," advertising trade card, late 19th century. (Image 1 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Oh You Vote," front of "divided back" postcard, 1909. (Image 1 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Oh You Vote," back of "divided back" postcard, 1909. (Image 2 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Suffragette Vote Getting," front of "divided back" postcard, 1909. Binder 27. (Image 1 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Suffragette Vote Getting," back of "divided back" postcard, 1909. (Image 2 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Votes for Women," front of "divided back" postcard, ca. 1907-1915. (Image 1 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: "Votes for Women," back of "divided back" postcard, ca. 1907-1915. (Image 2 of 2)
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Halloween_witch_pumpkin_cropped
Penn State Harrisburg Special Collections: Halloween_witch_chasing_boy_cropped