Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): At the fountain
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): In the fountain!
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Pose in the fountain
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Around the drains
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Don't get your foot stuck
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Get yer foot out
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Empty fountain
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Get down with dad
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): By the fountain
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Zoom in on slouchy dad
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Into the distance
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Fountain hopper
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): L the photographer