Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Apple Pro Keyboard 1200x900
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Start Up the iBook
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): iBooks in Love
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Laser 128 Apple IIc Clone: Cleaning Out the Office 2
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Reconfigured keyboard
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): MacBook With Ubuntu 1
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): MacBook With Ubuntu 2
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): SpinRite on MacBook
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): IBM 101 buckling spring keyboard
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Apple IIgs ADB and Fujitsu PS/2 keyboards
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Apple Extended Keyboard II triple threat
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Two Apple Keyboards and an Adjustable Keyboard (piece of crap) - 2
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Apple Blueberry iMac USB and Pro keyboards
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): PowerBook 1400 keyboard
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): PowerBook 1400, MacAlly mouse, TidBITS mousepad, and sweet, sweet coffee
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): PowerBook 1400 with Dell Wi-Fi card
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Griffin iMate package
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Griffin iMate with ADB cable
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): Apple Extended Keyboard II and ADB Mouse II
Derek K. Miller (1969-2011): eMac with Apple Extended Keyboard II and ADB Mouse II