penguinoid: Lord Mayor's Show, London 1968
penguinoid: Lord Mayor's Show, London 1968
penguinoid: Veteran car fair, Goff's Oak 1971
penguinoid: Helicopter at St Mary's Airport, Isles of Scilly 1971
penguinoid: The Little Chapel, Guernsey 1969
penguinoid: Pitlochry, Scotland 1970
penguinoid: Lavenham, Suffolk 1973
penguinoid: Lake Windermere 1972
penguinoid: Kew Gardens 1977
penguinoid: Plane to Alderney
penguinoid: Compton Acres Gardens, Poole 1978
penguinoid: The Stamp Corner, Elm Hill, Norwich 1980
penguinoid: Model Village, Babbacoombe 1981